Chantelle Cameron

Chantelle Cameron is a British professional boxer who started off as a Kick boxer but switched to Boxing in 2010 and made a quick transition which led to her selection for the GB programme in 2011. 



Chantelle Cameron started off as a Kick boxer but switched to Boxing in 2010 and made a quick transition which led to her selection for the GB programme in 2011.

Having the opportunity to share and encourage others into sports (all sports) means a huge deal to Chantelle and the the experience she has gained since the age of 10 when she first participated in sport has been a huge journey for her with ups and downs, positive and negatives so being able to engage and encourage others to keep trying, keep their head held high and staying motivated would be a massive reward.

Chantelle helped in making an impact to young people’s lives and raising aspirations whilst working on the Sporting Champions programme, and is now looking to inspire your audience by sharing her secret of what it takes to be the best you can be!

Chantelle love’s to see the younger generation taking part in sporting activities having hobbies, joining clubs, socialising and making friends whilst learning not just how to play sports and take part but also learning the discipline and other life skills you engage whilst becoming a sporting athlete.

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Chantelle's visit really helped raise the profile of the School Games and the aspirations of the young people.

Bartam, Sussex School games LOC

All the girls were really appreciative that Chantelle had come down and given her time to talk to them and run a session alongside Marc the tutor. They were all equally as grateful that Chantelle even stayed a bit longer then the session was meant to be on for because the girls wanted to do more!

Cally Cardines, Hertfordshire Sports Partnership


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